"You were incredible! Totally surpassed my expectations!
Everyone told me they loved it too & it was super engaging"
- Laura, Marketing, Estée Lauder Companies

~ I was a posing coach at the Estée Lauder Sales Conference for the Tom Ford beauty brand ~

Your Path

If you want your audience to leave feeling like your event gave them more confidence than ever, you’re going to want to have me there to light up the room, get them off their feet and into my easy-to-follow posing techniques - and/or as a coach to teach aspiring models of all ages how to become a model. Just like Estée Lauder who booked me for their corporate Miami conference.

Perfect Poses & Magnetic Images are both instant access video posing courses. Perfect Poses covers the full body including face & hands. Magnetic Images is a focus on just face & hands. To step into next-level wealth, you need to have next-level conviction & authority on camera, which requires showing up with a potent confidence that no one can break.
Once your online audience feels this energy through your imagery and is magnetized to you, you'll never miss out on cash sales from dream, high-caliber clients.

It’s not that you are unphotogenic - you just don't know how to pose. No more wasting thousands of $$ on photoshoots only to get photos that you hate. In my 1:1 coaching sessions as your posing coach, I will teach you the techniques to land more of the photos that attract your dream clientele. Learn my *FLUID* method to land a camera-roll full of amazing shots.

I'm so sick of scammy modeling schools & conventions that sell false dreams to aspiring models. As an agency-signed model myself, my consulting for aspiring models has saved my clients from industry pitfalls that could cost thousands in lost/wasted income + time. I am here now to teach you all the steps to get your agency signed and book paid modeling work.
...the ladies who felt awkward, lost, or "ick" on camera to now having images that attract their dream, high caliber clients through my help of fluid movements on camera.
& seen aspiring models get confirmation that an agency wants to offer them a modeling contract.
Posing enhancement (for models and non-models), or to become an agency
signed model, I want the same life altering changes for you and/or your clients.


hi love,
The now agency-signed model, coach and speaker who was once such a limited-belief people-pleaser that at one point I feared telling my boss that I was leaving his company to pursue my dream of modeling.
But I took the leap. There was fear but faith fueled my passion.
After getting on a plane to head to South Africa for 3 months as a result of another modeling agency offering me a contract, I sobbed as the plane ascended into the clouds while listening to Erykah Badu “Window Seat”.
The exhilaration from seeing how my work as a model or a posing coach enhanced brand shoots and events with companies such as Estée Lauder, Stella McCartney, David Beckham, The Ritz-Carlton, Kohl's etc. are the same moments of joy and progress that I want you to experience from reaching your goals...
I am obsessed with showing you how to activate your on-camera confidence and self-acceptance through confident posing (models & non-models), and/or nurturing your desire to become an agency signed model so that you can propel yourself into the next level of your personal and professional goals to magnetize your dream clients to you.