I screwed up!
All day Sunday I knew it was Mother's Day.
I made calls to my mothers, my godmothers...and even contacted friends of mine...
I said Happy Mother's Day to those who never birthed a child yet who acted like a mother figure to those that needed it.
Mothers are more than the people that go through labor pains or who do the amazing selfless act of adopting someone else's child.
Mothers are all of us ladies.
Each time you nurture a friend...
Each time you say a kind word...
Each time you give a hug to someone that needs it...
Your gift of love is the epitome of what all mother's and mother figures should be.

So my bad.Â
I freakin screwed up.
I totally forgot to tell you all...
The amazing women in my tribe, a Happy Mother's Day.Â
To those who got to celebrate with their children and their own mother, what a gift.
To anyone that curled up in bed or didn't feel the spirit as a result of not having children or as a result of their mother no longer being on earth, I am sending you virtual hugs.
You are loved by all....not just by those that could call you mom...
And not just by the person you call mom.
Life is filled with mothers.
We just have to look for the encounters and be willing to accept the gestures.
So Happy Mother's Day to you...
Real life mother to kids or not.
From my fake work kids to you, I am sending you mad love.

But aside from my work kids I have had sleepless nights, days where I needed to shower but couldn't and moments where I wanted to cry from the stress of helping to care for my little nephews.
In those moments I felt like and acted in the role of a mom.
In those moments I embraced them as if they were my own.
My instincts kicked in and I figured it out.
So to you, I want to say, be filled with love, with or without the title of mom.
Somewhere out there, you have touched the life of another who needed exactly the kind of love that you gave.
The love that only a mother could...
xo, Kamla-Kay