Finding reputable modeling agencies near you or even out of state/country can be difficult if you are new to the modeling industry and have no clue where to start doing your research.

I often get emails or dm's on my instagram (@KamlaKay) with questions such as "what are some modeling agencies near me?" , "what are modeling agencies in LA & NYC?" and the biggest one I get is "how do I know if a modeling agency is legit and reputable?"
First and foremost, is an industry wide website that lists international modeling agencies all over the world. The modeling agencies on this website are all vetted for and researched as being reputable in the industry and the articles on are trusted documentation within the industry.
Having said that, mostly lists fashion modeling agencies and not so much the commercial/lifestyle talent agencies. I'll discuss other methods outside of shortly.

Steps to finding reputable modeling agencies near you.
1) Visit
2) Click the "Agencies" tab at the top and sort the modeling agencies based on your region
3) Click on the modeling agency weblink and verify if they represent male model, female models or both
4) Prior to submitting to them, do additional research to ensure they will be the best fit for YOU!
If you want to make the research process a little easier for you, here is a free agency listing guide download that I put together with a quick list of some (not all) reputable modeling agencies in various cities mainly in the USA.
Google reputable modeling agencies
After you complete your agency research on, you can also do a Google search and narrow down the search on Google based on the location of where you live OR even based on WHERE you want to travel for work.
For instance, if you live in California, you can type into Google "modeling agencies in LA". If you want to travel to NYC and get signed to an agency there, you can type in "modeling agencies in NYC".
Or, if you happen to live in a small town that doesn't have a modeling agency or doesn't have much work potential for modeling, this is when you would want to search for agencies in neighboring states or countries if you have that ability to travel outside of your local vicinity.
Reach out to other models
Finally, once you have done your research online, be sure that you further speak to a real life human for more personal insights into a particular modeling agency.
You can do this by looking at agency Instagram pages and finding models linked to these pages. Simply, and politely, reach out to a few models via Instagram inbox who are currently represented by the agency and get their feedback on how they like being represented by the agency that you have an interest in.
I will also mentor models one-on-one in-depth to fully guide them on the research process and answer their questions in detail on How to Become a Model.
Selecting the right agency based on your niche
When you do your search for modeling agencies near you, or to locations in which you want to travel, be sure that you are fully aware of what modeling niche you best fall into.
For instance, if you are a petite commercial model at 5'2" , agencies like IMG or NEXT Worldwide will not be as likely to sign you as a model versus if you are 5'11" and have a very edgy fashion look.
Also, there are modeling agencies that specifically represent fitness models and those that specifically represent curve or plus size models.
By knowing which niche you fall into, whether that is fashion modeling, commercial/lifestyle modeling, fitness modeling etc., this will allow you to narrow down which agencies you submit to and thus increase your odds of getting signed.
Understanding your niche from this perspective will save time in the research process as well as ensure that you avoid unnecessary rejection letters stemming from the agency being a total opposite fit of what is best for your look, age, height and body type.
Once you determine your niche, you can then further narrow down your google search for agencies based on if the agency is considered a:
1) Modeling (fashion) Agency
2) Talent (commercial) Agency
As an example, if you are a commercial model in LA, type in "Talent agencies in Los Angeles" but if you are a fashion model, you definitely want to type in "Modeling agencies in Los Angeles" as well as this will pull up more search options with different results.
If you are still learning how to become a model, talent agencies tend to be more receptive to various body types, age groups and heights whereas the larger modeling agencies near you may only be looking for super tall fashion runway / and editorial print models or very specific curve models.
Therefore, if you are looking for modeling agencies near you and you are not certain if you best fall into fashion modeling, commercial/lifestyle modeling and/or fitness modeling, then be sure that you are submitting to both the fashion modeling agencies as well as the talent agencies.
Depending on the region, some locations will be considered a commercial market whereas other locations will be considered more of a fashion capital. Therefore, it is important to also be aware of what type of market you are located in (or that you wish to travel to) so that you are more likely to find the agency best suited for your look when trying to become a model.
In addition, as you learn how to become a model, it is important that as you look up modeling agencies near you or in another certain city, that you are aware that many of these agencies are looking for models who also have some acting skills. This is because many commercial/lifestyle bookings are for TV commercials and the client needs more than just a pretty face but also a model who can look believable as an actor.
Once you have your list of reputable agencies written down, be sure that you know how to take proper modeling digitals or polaroids to submit to these agencies. Modeling digitals (also know as polaroids) are what the majority of agencies will ask to see when you submit to the agencies on their website and even if a modeling scout reaches out to your directly.
Once you start taking these research steps, you will be well on your way to learning more about how to find modeling agencies near you as you continue your journey of learning how to become a model.
Want more tips on how to become a model and get direct model coaching guidance one-on-one, feel free to reach out here for direct model mentoring.
Agency signed Model & Model Coach/Mentor

(Client Testimonial by Sakena B)